Hajj visas are issued to people who are legally residents in the Netherlands. By this we mean people who have Dutch nationality, people with a residence permit or people with a work or student visa. These persons can get a visa to travel from the Netherlands to Saudi Arabia for Hajj.
People with a tourist visa cannot get a Hajj visa to travel from the Netherlands to Saudi Arabia. They will have to contact the embassy in their country of residence.
How can someone from the Netherlands participate in Hajj?
Anyone wishing to perform Hajj should contact a travel agent who specializes in offering Hajj trips.
How is the visa application processed?
After contacting the travel agency and agreeing to its terms and conditions, you will be added to the group. This is how most hajj travel agents operate. However, Manasik expects you to have completed the registration form and paid a deposit in order to officially join the group. Then you hand in your passport and the other necessary documents, such as your residence permit, to us. We then hand it to the Saudi embassy for the application of your visa.
What are the requirements for obtaining a Hajj visa?
- A valid passport. This must be valid for at least 6 months on the day of departure from Saudi Arabia (the return day).
- A valid residence permit (if you do not have Dutch nationality). This must be valid for more than 6 months.
- Two passport photos (must meet the requirements of Photo matrix model 2020).
- Copy of marriage certificate (spouses only).
- Copy of birth certificate of all minor children traveling with you.
- Converts should provide proof of Shahada from the mosque or similar authority. This must be legalized.
- A woman traveling alone must be at least 45 years old and must present proof of no-objection from her mahram.
- Iedere vrouw onder de 45 jaar, dient te worden vergezeld door een mahram. For this, proof must be provided, such as a GBA extract showing that the man in question is a mahram of hers.
- Complete vaccination Covid-19 (last vaccination, must not be older than 8 months).